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long hours under difficult conditions;
the character and quality to win in
the show ring; and the temperament
to be a family companion. Physical
features and mental characteristics
should denote a dog bred to per-
form as an efficient Retriever
of game with a stable tem-
perament suitable for a
variety of pursuits be-
yond the hunting envi-
The most distinguish-
ing characteristics of the
Labrador Retriever are its
short, dense, weather re-
sistant coat; an “otter” tail; a
clean-cut head with broad back skull
and moderate stop; powerful jaws;
and its “kind,” friendly eyes, express-
ing character, intelligence and good
Above all, a Labrador Retriever must be
well balanced, enabling it to move in
the show ring or work in the field with
little or no effort. The typical Labrador
possesses style and quality without
over refinement, and substance without
lumber or cloddiness. The Labrador is
bred primarily as a working gun dog;
structure and soundness are of great
Golden Retriever
A symmetrical, powerful, active dog,
sound and well put together, not clum-
sy nor long in the leg, displaying a
kindly expression and possessing a
personality that is eager, alert and
self-confident. Primarily a hunting dog,
he should be shown in hard working
condition. Overall appearance, bal-
ance, gait and purpose to be given
more emphasis than any of his com-
ponent parts.
Faults--Any departure from the de-
scribed ideal shall be considered faulty
to the degree to which it interferes with
the breed’s purpose or is contrary to
breed character.
Friendly, reliable, and trustworthy.
Quarrelsomeness or hostility towards
other dogs or people in normal situ-
ations, or an unwarranted show of ti-
midity or nervousness, is not in keeping
with Golden Retriever character. Such
actions should be penalized accord-
ing to their significance.
German Shepherd Dog
The first impression of a good German
Shepherd Dog is that of a strong, ag-
ile, well muscled animal, alert and full
of life. It is well balanced, with har-
monious development of the forequar-
ter and hindquarter. The dog is longer
than tall, deep-bodied, and presents
an outline of smooth curves rather than
angles. It looks substantial and not
spindly, giving the impression, both
at rest and in motion, of muscular fit-
ness and nimbleness without any look
of clumsiness or soft living. The ideal
dog is stamped with a look of quality
and nobility--difficult to define, but un-
mistakable when present. Secondary
sex characteristics are strongly marked,
and every animal gives a definite im-
pression of masculinity or femininity,
according to its sex.
The breed has a distinct personality
marked by direct and fearless, but not
hostile, expression, self-confidence and
a certain aloofness that does not lend
itself to immediate and indiscriminate
friendships. The dog must be approach-
able, quietly standing its ground and
showing confidence and willingness
to meet overtures without itself making
them. It is poised, but when the occa-
sion demands, eager and alert; both
fit and willing to serve in its capacity
as companion, watchdog, blind lead-
er, herding dog, or guardian, which-
ever the circumstances may demand.
The dog must not be timid, shrinking
behind its master or handler; it should
not be nervous, looking about or up-
ward with anxious expression or show-
ing nervous reactions, such as tucking
of tail, to strange sounds or sights. Lack
of confidence under any surroundings
is not typical of good character. Any
of the above deficiencies in character
indicate shyness
Top 10 Breeds
Courtesy of the American Kennel Club
APRIL 2012 -