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AUGUST 2012 -
tone and improve.
One of my passions is playing
tennis, so you can often find me
on the courts in the afternoon and
evening. It is wonderful to find a
sport that gives you the benefit of
burning lots of calories while you
are just having the time of your
In addition to exercising, I do eat
what most people would con-
sider a very healthy diet. I stick
to fish, chicken and Greek yogurt
for protein, and I fill myself with
lots of fruits and vegetables. I am
lucky that I do not like soda in the
least, and I save calories by keep-
ing my beverages to pretty much
zero calories – I drink lots of water
and some unsweetened ice tea and
as well as coffee in the morning. I
am not one to starve myself, but
I maintain a very sensible eating
plan that works well for my life-
style and fitness goals.
I do weigh myself daily and if I
see a change, I adjust my exercise
and food accordingly.
What part of your body do you
feel is most attractive and why?
Well, I have always gotten lots of
complements on my eyes being
sensual and mysterious, so I have
come to believe they are one of my
stronger assets. I think on cam-
era I can portray mood and desire
through my eyes, which I feel sets
the stage for a good and ultimately
sexy photo.
Also, for as small as I am, I am
often complemented on having a
nice “booty”. I find this kind of
humorous, but it seems to be a part
of my body that men definitely
Would you undergo plastic sur-
gery if that was a condition for
a photo shoot? What would you
I don’t necessarily see plastic
surgery as an option, although I
haven’t really looked into it, so
I won’t totally rule anything out.
I do think there are lots of great
procedures available today to help
maintain a youthful appearance.
I would definitely consider laser
resurfacing, Botox and some of the
injectibles to enhance my appear-
ance as I age. I am also a stickler
for sunscreen, especially since I
spend my summers at the beach.
Why not protect what you have for
as long as you can?
My newest discovery is organic
virgin coconut oil. It works great
when applied to the skin (espe-
cially the eye area) and hair as a
moisturizer! It also makes a great
salad dressing (just drizzle a little
on) or it can be an alternative to
cooking oils. I keep some in the
bathroom and some in the kitchen,
and I feel great about the results I
am getting with my skin and hair
by using it regularly.
What did Kathryn think thirty
years ago about glamour pho-
tography and what do you think
about it now?
I definitely thought all models
were tall and thin and gorgeous
(mostly blonds as well), and that
once you reached age 25, your ca-
reer was pretty much coming to an
end – truly I had the stereotyped
model mentality!
Now, well I obviously have had a
change of heart! Back then if you
told me that I would be modeling
in my 50’s, I would have laughed
at your joke. I am thrilled to see
the opportunities that are available
for models of all ages, shapes and
sizes. There does not seem to be a
right or wrong model look nowa-
days as much as what works best
for the audience you are trying to
reach. Sexy and beautiful comes
in many shapes and sizes!
When we came to your house
to do this photo shoot, you and
your husband served us a deli-
cious breakfast. Do you like to
It was a wonderful morning having
the opportunity to have breakfast
with you and to get to know you
personally. I knew I would enjoy
the shoot the minute that I met
both of you – how warm and won-
derful you are!
I do like to cook, but I also like
to keep it fairly simple. We are
a “grilling” family, and often my
husband (notice that I am not the
one tending to the grill) will be
out in the freezing temperatures in
winter, cooking a meal that I have
Baking at the holidays is a tradi-
tion as well as passion that I enjoy.
I make a great pecan pie that is a
standard request at a family get
together. I have to say though, that
I am happy when the holidays are
over and the last cookie, cake or
pie is finally gone from the house!
I do have a significant sweet tooth
and moderation, which is a chal-
lenge for me at the holidays, is
definitely the key!