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AUGUST 2013 -
These ani-
mals are the
ninth smart-
est animal that
can unscrew the lid of a
jar. They solve problems, navigate, play but have
short memory. It is a combination of strength, agility, curios-
ity and
brain power. It can build its shelter using ocean debris. It can change its color and pattern
within a second. It is the smartest invertebrate alive.
The cephalopod brain surrounds the esophagus, but shares with the human brain features
of complexity such as folded lobes and distinct regions for processing visual and tactile
information. The how-smart debate swirls around deciphering observations that the crea-
tures have a seemingly irrepressible curiosity, a disdain for boredom, an ability to learn and
the capacity to use tools.
These rodents are the tenth smartest animal
which are highly intelligent. They can find shortcuts,
loopholes and escape routes. They can even escape
from a mouse trap. Rats are known for their clever-
ness and resourcefulness as they shield their younger
ones from poisonous food and one important thing
about them is, they are found in every continent
except Antarctica.
The rat, a highly intelligent yet much-maligned ani-
mal in Western cultures. Widely used in research,
the lab rat has been known to find shortcuts,
loopholes and escape routes in the laboratory
experiments designed by the top scientific
minds of our time. In Chinese culture, the rat
is revered for its cunning and resourceful-