Page 21 - december2013

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eeting Mydnight Muerte
was a complete and pleasant surprise,
since she is not only an exquisite model,
but a professional and enjoyable person at
the same time. She possesses a distinctive
and haunting beauty, not to mention, she is
intensely sensual and deeply intelligent.
Finding in one person all of these quali-
ties, when you have the opportunity to be
in front of her, work, and talk, and time
transforms into full an experience of pleas-
ure for the senses, and the intellect.
You are a model, a poet, and you are
writing a novel, we also know that
you do graphic design, and WebFilms
dubbed PHOetry-in-motion, under the
alias The Dark Artist. It is almost man-
datory to ask you: What is art for you?
Oh, what a wonderful question! To me, art
is life, art is the creative spirit within; the
one that allows us to live, dream, be free,
re-create. That is what every true artist has
within them; a will to re-create the world!
It’s a way of leaving your mark; achieving
some level of immortality. For me, it is
also, of course, an outlet to alleviate pain,
heartache. A way to cleanse the soul. Once
I write, or shoot photography, or model for
an artist, or engage in some other form of
art, and allow some of that angst to come
through, I am able to move forward. So
you see, art has freed me from demons, in
many ways. Without it, I could not move
on past a lot of pain. It was, and is, for me,
my salvation; a necessity.
Not always do we have the opportunity
to talk with a model who is also a writer.
Why the need to write?
Again; writing can be a remarkable form
of art if one wishes to approach it that
way. I’ve never aimed for my writing to
be commercial, or marketed. I didn’t even
want to write professionally! From the
time I was small, my Father would say I
should take formal writing on as a career,
and I would always think to myself; I
don’t want to do that, because once it
becomes a job—a career—it has to be ap-
proached from a different angle. Conform-
ing to modern technique, and surrendering
to the mainstream opinion, is necessary
to be able to profit. I didn’t want to write
professionally, because of this. I wanted to
write from the soul, I wanted to make the
pages breathe and come to life. If I con-
formed, I was selling myself short. And,
I was essentially hurting myself, because
my art is my world, and writing, for me is
such a huge part of that world.
Tell us something about your writing,
what is the style of your poetry and
your novel?
Well, the poetry is something I’ve been
doing since I was very young. I can re-
member at eight, pulling out a scrap paper,
and writing a poem named “If The World
Ended,” which for an eight year old, is
quite a philosophical thing to be reflecting
upon. I’ve always been two parts; child
with a dream-like quality, and old soul.
Through the years, my poetry became
very dark, very confessional, and the more
experienced I became, the more the art in
my poetry changed. I’ve been to hell and