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your feminine and masculine
Pay special attention to how you
feel about the sexual encounter
in the dream. Are you excited,
disgusted, dissatisfied or hungry
for more? How does that trans-
late in your waking life?
Sex with an old flame
You may still have strong feel-
ings about your ex, sure, but it
doesn’t neccesarily mean you
two are meant to be. Rather,
sex with an ex indicates simply
that something about this rela-
tionship is unresolved.
It may be a sexual or emotional
issue that was present in the
relationship that you’re dealing
with in your current relationship.
Again, how did you feel in the
dream. Is there something you
got from your old flame that
you’re currently missing — or
something you hated that’s rear-
ing its head?
Sex with your current
If the dream was a positive
experience that left you feeling
good, then the intimacy in your
relationship is probably healthy.
If the dream was negative and
left you feeling sad, angry or de-
pleted, however, you may have
some sexual and/or emotional
issues to work out with your
Dreaming about sex with your
partner may also represent the
merging or balancing of the
masculine and feminine sides of
your psyche.
A celebrity
Once again, it all comes down
to feelings and associations.
How do you feel about the ce-
lebrity in your dream?
Is there a quality this person
has that you’d like for yourself
or is there something about their
persona that rubs you the wrong
The celebrity in your dream may
represent your desire for suc-
cess, wealth and recognition,
some other gift you admire
about him or or her or your
fears about how you’re being
perceived sexually speak-
A stranger
Dreaming about sex with some-
one you don’t know indicates
you’re merging with a previously
unknown ability, attitude or
some other new element in your
life. If the sex was enjoyable,
then this new element will have
a positive affect on your life.
If the sex was unpleasant, then
you need to be careful about
taking on this new
attitude, en-
deavor, ability
or person!