Page 16 - SEXY X2 MAGAZINE JULY 2012

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ucii Ancari really
surprised us all during her photo
shoot for the July issue of Sexy X2
Magazine, from the beginning she
took over the studio and began
modeling with absolute ease.
When we asked her how long she
had been working as a model,
her response was that she was just
beginning, which was unexpected.
Lucii poses with absolute profes-
sionalism, fluid movements and
postures that make it very easy
to work with her. However, let
us hear from her in the following
interview she did for us.
You have very particular fea-
tures and you are some kind
of exotic. What is your ascend-
I am of African American and
German descent, a very eccentric
mix…my father being of the first,
and mother, the later.
How long have you being
modeling and make think this
was an option for you.
I have been interested in modeling
since a little girl and just recently
embraced it into my life with
much volition. I, more over van-
ity, sought modeling as a way of
expression and form. My mother,
since a child, was definitely a
big influence on the thought;
she voiced her thoughts daily in
regards to modeling being some-
thing I at least try.
Are you a full time model?
In my head, I am definitely a full
time model I don’t even cook or
Talk to us about your life. We
know you are single mother.
How do you see your daughter
when she is 18 years old? Do
you see yourself modeling with
I am the mother of a beautiful 2
year old who is the core of my
strength; she is wonderful in her
charm and thrilling with energy.
I hope to see her to a well-bal-
anced life of goal reaching feats
and unlimited possibilities.
What did you studied?
Although modeling is my main sub-
ject of interest, I have enjoyed the
study of business and the talks of
politics, both seemingly coinciding
with each other and grasping my
attention since a child. The two
being polar opposites that give me
an interesting touch.
Political sciences and interna-
tional business are far away
from the glamour world.
How Lucii Ancari handles these
two passions.
With the many hats I wear, things
can become pretty chaotic, hence
the need for me to relax and un-
wind. There’s nothing better than
a secluded evening with a nice
gentleman to help me reach that