Page 21 - SEXY X2 MAGAZINE JULY 2012

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JULY 2012 -
Now talking about intimacy,
are you accepting everything
they propose to you or you
I do not accept everything pro-
posed to me; rather, I am quite
choosy when it comes to select-
ing a guy, no negotiating with
my terms since they are extremely
reasonable and once I have found
someone who has captured me, its
fireworks from there!
What do you think about
the game of sexual roles in
the sex? Do you think these
games spicy up sex?
I enjoy sensual moments, having
my hair stroked, soft kisses; it all
plays a part in the bedroom. I
think role-playing definitely spices
things up, breaks up the monotony
although I have never experienced
a dull moment yet! I especially en-
joy when it gets a little rough, hair
being pulled or being slapped
can lead me to climax instantly.
What is it that you like and
you do not like about the daily
activities of the house?
When I am not working as an
insurance agent or doing a shoot,
I am home being a mom and tak-
ing care of the house. I like kick-
ing back with my little one, staying
in, eating until we can no longer
move and the sleep that comes
after; she is the best cuddle bud-
dy! We watch a lot of sports on
TV, whether it be boxing, hockey
or basketball, she still can’t cipher
that Kobe is not the main player
for every sport on every team.
What sports do you like? Do
you practice any?
I also like to play sports, I played
basketball in high school and still
enjoy it for recreation as well as
soccer and volleyball, I have quite
a bit of aggression in me.
Which player do you admire;
now let us imagine that you
have the opportunity of spend-
ing a whole day and one night
with your idol.
How do you conquer his heart
and what would you do to
make him fall in love with you?
Now let us do the inverse.
What does he has to do to
gain your heart and what to
make you fall in love with him?
Hmmm, a day with my idol, where
do I start. If I had a chance to
spend a day and one night with
musical artist Jadakiss, I would
want to be secluded amongst the
masses of people, completely ab-
sorbed into him, not the celebrity.
I would definitely ease his mind
with a one sheet cigar plucked out
of my clutch unexpectedly and en-
joy just relaxing and kicking it like
one of the fellas; shots of liquor,
good food, a nice conversation. I
think just me being genuine and
not being caught up in the order
of social hype would allow him to
enjoy not only me, but himself as
well. I remember watching him
do a live freestyle and my eyes
were drawn to his hands, which
displayed much nervousness and
that, for me, was a life changing
moment, to know that someone
I have looked up to for years,
almost like a super hero, was
probably coaching his self along
as he wrecked the mic with his
untouched language, nervous as
can be and making it a situation
of mind over matter. That is when
I decided, against my nerves and
fears, I will pursue my dreams of
one day gracing a runway, coach-
ing my self along, thinking of that
live freestyle, saying to myself, and
even Jada gets nervous!
What is your professional
dream, it could be in the busi-
ness world, the political world
or the modeling world?
I have always seen myself putting
a dent in the fashion industry, in-
stead of keeping my lips pursed for
that sexy pout, I’d rather gaze and
move the people, turn humility into
humor and average into astound-
ing. I’d also like to delve into the
business world as a consultant for
either new or current business lead-
ers. Sometimes a fresh eye is all
that’s needed to gain a foot on the
competition; reconstruct objectives
and broaden the views of expecta-
You are a very smart woman;
give us a definition for sex and
a definition for love. Do you
think they complement each
other, or do you think they can
coexist independent of each
In my opinion, sex is an act