Page 72 - SEXY X2 MAGAZINE JULY 2012

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A first look at Cara Jayde, the first thoughts on most people’s minds are either A) Fear B)
curiosity or C) all of the above.
The 5’6 Puerto Rican/ Cuban/ Japanese New York Native has been modeling for only a
few short months, but in that short time, she has managed to surprise photographers,
friends, family and even herself.
Growing up in Long Island, New York, and Spending 5 years in Miami Florida, Cara has
developed a true appreciation for all things sun and fun. She lives for the Miami nightlife
and any good night out with friends is all it takes to make her happy.
Cara is earning her degree in Criminal Justice, with plans to become a criminal analyst.
Cara’s obsession with all things tattoo have earned her some serious ink. With 15 tattoos
so far, she loves the feeling of adding another piece of Permanent art to her. Her love of all
things Tim Burton have also earned a permanent spot on her in two places, with a “ night-