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within, kindly looked directly into
the eyes of John as approached
the gray door.
Hello, John - said that rival
the Cerberus.
-John could not help his surprise.
From where does he know this
man? Instinctively, and knowing
that his name was one of the most
common in the United States,
turned to look back thinking that
perhaps someone else with the
same name was the recipient of
the greeting. Obviously, there was
not another John in the vicinity
because no one seemed to be
The man peered a little more,
and stretched his hand in greeting
when John was a couple of meters
away. When both right hands
joined their palms and his fingers
embraced the other’s hand, John
knew immediately who he knew
was, however he could not place
him in a specific situation or time..
The man also wore gray and
looked as if the door had been
sold including door attendant, so
well that both conjugated.
John could not help being curious
and crossed the threshold at which
the gray man invited him to cross.
Immediately transposed the door,
a large room crammed with
shelves, aisles and all kinds of
things opened up before him.
It seemed strange to be as im-
mensely great as it looked even
larger than the building that was
erected over the street, but as it
was an underground construction
John thought he might well extend
below streets and avenues without
be conditioned by the
size of the block, as in the
The corridors were well lit,
the place was neat, tidy,
but the breathing air was
without any odor particu-
larly, it smelled as confined
and old.
The host officiated as
guide for John as he drove
down a corridor into the
room that seemed to grow
at half that jutted into it.
When they reached the
intersection of two cor-
ridors, the man on gray
stopped and explained
that extended right wing of
the “Intangible Personal In-
significant”, to the left, the
field of “Tangible Personal”
in front of him, the area of
“foreign things”, and back
area of the “Important
Intangible Personal”, which
in turn are divided into
“Happy” and “Traumatic.”
Then he asked him what
he would like to see first.
John looked at him as a
madman who is trying to
sell a cloud in the sky, and
the typical innocent smile
that lacks sufficient infor-
mation and has fun with
his ignorance, he said: “I
have no idea what you’re
talking about . What do
you mean by intangible,
tangible, happy, and I
know that other areas than
just name? “
He winked and said that
was a big sign down the