Page 7 - May 2014

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Even if a prior exposure to artificial UV
does not protect you properly from the
sun, doing so stimulate your melanin
system and will help you tan faster on
your holiday, and you will look better
on the beach!
But be careful you must always wear
adequate protection during your expo-
sures to the sun.
Can you tan in the shade?
It is entirely possible. A tan is not only
due to direct exposure to sunlight, but
can also be due to secondary radia-
tions bouncing into the environment.
The sand and snow, for example,
strongly reflect the sun’s rays. You can
therefore tan under an umbrella
on the beach.
Is it the same to tan inside or outside?
Although ultraviolet radiation is similar
in both situations, one can never ac-
curately predict the intensity of a tan
taken outside because of changing
factors: time of day, season, altitude,
cloudiness, pollution, wind, deprecia-
tion of the ozone layer, proximity of the
equator, and so on. In a tanning salon,
the results are controlled, therefore
Thanks to a more sophisticated tech-
nology allowing a good mix of UVA
and UVB,
simulate the solar radiation while mini-
mizing the risk of erythema and sun-
stroke commonly known as “sunburn”.
The tanning beds made available to
our customers are mostly producing
UVA. We are reproducing the sun
safely. A session of 20 minutes in our
tanning beds roughly corresponds to
the result obtained tanning under the
sun for 3 hours. Natural sun exposure
is much more dangerous as UVB and
Infra-Red are not filtered.
Is exfoliation of the skin beneficial?
Exfoliation, really useful to clean the
skin from early unhealthy pig-
mentation and ma