Page 4 - mayo2013

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Daniel Walter Lencinas
Lucy Lencinas
Photographer and Art Director
Tiffani Capers
Model Manager
Pedro Martinez
Juan Cucaz
Caitlin Ross-Poteet
Model - Writer
Adriel Zarate
- Multimedia Designer -
Dr. Christiam Suarez
Plastic Surgeon
(631) 356-0117
(631) 355-6772
Sexy X2 is a Lucy Lencina’s Trade Mark
Daniel W. Lencinas
ver the years the concept of female beauty has changed, sometimes slightly
and other times dramatically.
You only need to review the paintings created by the greatest artists of the Renais-
sance’s era to appreciate a canon of beauty that today would be considered quite out
of place: the beautiful and sensual models of that time, would be overweight women
compare to the modern standards.
At the time of Marie Antoinette, the beauty standards were the big sexy necklines and
nearly bald head that allowed the use of elaborate wigs; however after the French
Revolution women wore their hair long and straight without artificial curls. It took
almost three centuries, at the beginning of the twentieth century that the appearance of
woman changed once again, when the skirts were shortened as well as the length of
the hair, and the thin body without the curves lines were the ideal standard of beauty
for the new era.
With extra pounds or less; with plenty of curves to show in tight corsets or flat hips
and small breasts in loose lightweight fabrics; with elaborate bulky hairstyles or very
short hair almost glued to his head; time has only proven that the only constant in the
concept of beauty is that nothing is permanent.
Our cover model for the month of May brings a new and
modern form of beauty that many women have begun to
adopt: a completely bald head. It’s different, but definitely
beautiful; it is an expression of sensuality and rebel-
lious defiance. Do not miss the amazing photo shoot
of Lisbeth Lora done by our star photographer Lucy
Lencinas for this edition.
Linda Vintimilla and Katherine Jackson, as sec-
ond and third models respectively, complete
the diversity of beauty in our large and
extensive display group of gorgeous mod-
els, showing us that beauty comes in all
colors and in all styles, from classic to
wild, where every piece is displayed
according to them more sexy and
As usual our articles in wines,
recipes and fashion trends are part
of our magazine, as well as the
continuation of our series of sex
positions from the Kama Sutra, a
true school of pleasure.
I hope
you enjoy our new edition