Page 6 - mayo2013

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ince the dawn of civilization, people had started celebrating with music. With a heart
touching melody, if you just shake off your body a bit, it shifts on to a term called dance,
which too has been the favorite of millions across the world. Dance is a roadway towards
thoughts that simply churns you up and provides you a new opportu-
World’s Top 5
Enjoy this sensuous dance at Jerez de
la Frontera and Seville in Spain. While
performing Flamenco, though you
have to pass through struggle, pain and
a burning desire, it ultimately satis-
fies your seduction level. The curve-
hugging skirts of the women and the
toreador machismo of the men is sure
to catch your eye for a long time. The
violent yearning of the dancers along
with their sharp attitude is simply an
awesome enactment that will make
you crazy within moments.
Every year thousands of
people gather at the an-
nual festival at de Jerez in
Want to enjoy some sexy moves by some tempted ladies?
on to Buenos Aires to dance on the naughty moves of Tango. In the early
years, Tango kicked off with a fine start but was confined to pubs and
bars. However, in the later years, it became popular as a mainstream
dance. Starting from the Alberdi amphitheater to the warehouses in
Barracas, spectators as well as couples from various corners of
the globe come in huge numbers to have a blast at the Buenos
Aires Tango Festival. Throughout the week stunning shows
at various hotspots of the city like the Salon Canning, the
La Viruta in the Armenian Cultural Center and the El
Beso are arranged. About the dance – well! Its quite
easy to enjoy but a bit difficult to master.