Page 8 - November2012

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groups and individual tourists are
available in the spring and summer
between 9am and 5pm Monday to
Bran Castle in Romania
Originally built by the Knights of the
Teutonic Order in 1212, Bran Castle
is located just outside of Bran, in the
Eastern European country of Roma-
nia. Set in the hills, this picturesque
castle has close ties to the legend
of Dracula, and has been converted
into a museum popular with
tourists visiting the
Lincoln Castle in
Lincoln Castle is in Lincolnshire and
was built in 1068. As with many
other European castles, Lincoln Castle
is steeped in history, but it has the
additional distinction of being one of
only two castles in the country that
were originally built on two mottes.
More than this, Lincoln Castle used to
be the home of William the Con-
Eltz Castle in Germany
Eltz Castle is situated in the hills
between Koblenz and Trier in West
Germany. It is one of the best pre-
served medieval castles in Germany
and has been owned by the
same branch of family for over
800 years. Guided tours of
the castle are recommended
cost € 8.00
for adults and
€ 5.50 for
children. Eltz
tle is open from April to November
and can be visited daily between
9.30am and 5.30pm.
Mont Saint-Michel in France
Another striking European castle,
Mont Saint-Michel near Normandy
never fails to impress. It is actually
considered to be a medieval wonder,
because of the fact that it is built on
a rocky peak. Mont Saint-Michel was
originally an abbey and served as
a popular destination for pilgrims.
Today, it is one of the most popular
tourist attractions in France.
Malbork Castle in Poland
Listed as a World Heritage Site in
1997, Malbork castle was founded
in Prussia in 1274 by the Teutonic
Order. Today, this beautiful Gothic
brick castle complex can be visited
by taking a short 60 minute trip from
Gdansk, Poland. Malbork Castle of-
fers excellent guided tours, permanent
and temporary exhibitions as well as
archival exhibits.
Castle Frankenstein in Germany
This castle is so famous because of
it’s the myths and stories surrounding
in. More than these legends, Franken-
stein’s Castle has its own real history.
Discover this mysterious castle on your
own, and enjoy Frankenstein come to
real life.
Castle of Eger in Hungary
Castle Eger is one of Hungary’s most
popular tourist attractions and is well
worth a visit. The castle is about a 90
minute train ride from Budapest. The
castle dates back to 13th century and
is famous for fending off the mas-
sive Turkish army invasion in 1552.
There are four excellent museums in
the castle as well as other interesting