Page 6 - Octubre2012

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hat is Skydiving?
Skydiving is a sport in which partici-
pants jump or fall from aircraft at alti-
tude. They can perform an assortment
of aerial manoeuvres before deploy-
ing a parachute to slow their descent,
allowing them to come gently to rest
on the Earth below. The sport is also
known as parachuting, in a reference
to that vital piece of safety equipment.
Sport Parachuting is performed as a
recreational activity and a competitive
sport, as well as for the deployment of
military personnel Airborne forces and
occasionally forest firefighters.
People at different levels of physical
fitness can participate in skydiving, as
long as they are ready for an adren-
alin-packed sport which can be both
terrifying and extremely exhilarating.
Extreme Sports Cafe and her partners
offer you the chance to experience or
learn to skydive in many locations all
over the world. These words will be
burned into your cranium.... ‘Are you
ready to Skydive?’
Say that sentence to any skydiver and
he or she will give you a wry smile
and tell you of their first jump... and
how their life was never the same
again after they entered the extreme
world of skydiving.
Whether it is a skydiving Tandem
jump; where you can be in the air
and jumping out of a plane strapped
to an instructor, skydiving, quicker
than you can say ‘I’m not sure....’.
Or perhaps an Accelerated Freefall
Course; where on your first skydive
you leap out of a plane at 14,000 /
12,000 feet yourself, quickly followed
by two highly experienced skydiving
instructors and a camera man. What-
ever your choice for skydiving ESC
has all the knowledge, equipment,
skills and people to change your life,
Hey! What about an Introduction to
The art