Page 87 - Octubre2012

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orn and raised here in Long
From childhood, she acted, sang and
modeled semi professionally. With her
mother always shared the dream of be-
ing able to do these activities in a profes-
sional manner.
When it came time for college, Cat Ro Po
knew I had to do a self introspection and
exploration of his artistic dreams, with
that goal ahead spent a year in town at-
tending acting school, then returned to
Long Island where is currently pursuing a
master’s in philosophy.
Enjoy creative and emotional aspects of
trying to describe situations and feelings
of everyday life, which cannot be cap-
tured or frozen.
Cat Ro Po firmly believes that this par-
ticular type of modeling, glamour, can
be very important for women in general,
both as it is for her personally, because
“it is a great opportunity to enhance that
beautiful women want to learn to value
and their bodies and their souls, and to
display them proudly for the world to see
that beauty.”
Apart from the performing arts, she has
a wide range of other activities such as
reading, writing, surfing, hiking, camping,
studying marine biology, painting, and
watching movies.
Cat Ro Po is a versatile person who tries
not to take life or herself too seriously.
OCTOBER 2012 -