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Rhiannon Berry
Rhiannon Berry is 22 years old. She is Chil-
ean, Canadian and Welsh.
Her mother is from Chile, and her Father
fromWales. She is the eldest of their kids.
She was born in Vancouver, Canada in Oc-
tober 17, 1990. When she was 13 years old,
she moved to Chile with her family. When
she was 16, she had his first son named
Sergio. At 17, she returned to Squeamish,
Canada with her son. Over there, she fin-
ished part of her high school. At 20, she
gave birth to her second son named Igna-
cio. When her baby was 6 months, she went
back to Chile. She is being living in Val-
paraiso Chile since then.
She went to modeling school for 8 months
and right now, she is working as a profes-
sional model and recently, she got engaged.