Page 4 - September2012

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Daniel Walter Lencinas
Lucy Lencinas
Photographer and Art Director
Tiffani Capers
Model Manager
Pedro Martinez
Juan Cucaz
Caitlin Ross-Poteet
Model - Writer
Adriel Zarate
- Multimedia Designer -
Dr. Christiam Suarez
Plastic Surgeon
(631) 356-0117
(631) 355-6772
Sexy X2 is a Lucy Lencina’s Trade Mark
Daniel W. Lencinas
uch has been said about the contribution
that immigration has done historically in the United States
of America regarding the economy and culture, but little
has been said on this topic about the contribution made to
this country by the diversify beauty brought by the different
September issue of SEXY X2 MAGAZINE brings closer
to the beauty that came from other lands, with Anika
Zhadanova a woman coming from the land of the
tsars; Silv Light whose immediate ancestors are from
the Far East, Taiwan, they have arrived to beautify
the Land of Opportunities, and to top up the diversi-
ty, it comes from A’storia Hill, the beauty of ebony
skin who dazzles with her honey eyes and full
fills with her stylized figure.
It is a pleasure for us to be the vehicle that
brings to our readers a different look to the con-
tribution of immigrants.
As always, Caitlin Ross-Poteet heats us the pages of
the magazine with her spicy answers to the reader
in her column Empowering Erotica. Juan Cucas
delights us with an exquisite Mediterranean
Salad recipe, and Peru brings us the per-
fumes of their wine and the internationally
renowned Pisco.
Finally, metaphysics invades our traditional
monthly short stories with “De Profundis”.
Enjoy this edition as we prepare the special issue for Hal-
loween, which will come with many surprises.
Until next month