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It happened on the corner of
Church and Murray Streets. The
neckline of the new secretary had
lingered in his memory and his
mind kept itself entertained work-
ing out seductive strategies when
he crossed the street without even
noticing the taxi that was fast ap-
If he had seen it
perhaps he would have been able
to avoid it or at least be prepared
for the shock, in order to protect
himself in some way; but he did
not see the taxi. People waiting
to cross the street shouted and the
scream mixed together with the
sound of Walter’s body hitting
the racing yellow car. His head
crashed into the windshield while
his body pivoted on its foothold
raising his legs up to the car roof;
then it slid to the trunk lid and
ended up grossly striking the pave-
ment behind the taxi.
As the taxi stopped, people
crowded together around the
disjointed body, and blood was
flowing from one side of the man’s
wounded head while dozens of
telephone calls to 911 were made
from the cell phones of the various
Ambulances and police cars
showed up within minutes; the
body seemed to be very close
to leaving this world; with its
last strength, he clung to life and
continued breathing when he was
admitted to the hospital.
It took Walter two weeks to come
out of the coma and two more to
leave the intensive care unit. Two
months had to pass by, after that
fateful Wednesday, before that he
could leave the hospital and go
back to his apartment.
The nurse who had attended Wal-
ter during the time he was hospital-
ized, while helping him to get into
the car of one of his friend’s at the
hospital exit, told him that it was a
miracle that he was alive and with-
out repercussions after the terrible
accident. The young man replied:
“Life is a dream, and dreams are
nothing but dreams”. Walter’s
friend smiled, happy to hear the
familiar phrase.
Walter insisted that there was no