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I had a dream about having sex with another
woman. Am I gay or bisexual?
Luisa G.
Hi Luisa!
First off, it is perfectly normal to fantasize about
sexual relations with the same sex—but it doesn’t
necessarily mean that you’re gay or bi. Dreams
are often complex continuations of our
conscious thought through an unconscious
medium, and they don’t always mean
exactly what we think we mean. In
fact, some psychologists theorize
that every person in our dreams
is actually some sort of repre-
sentation of the person having
them! This dream could mean
you need to find a little more
intimacy with yourself. However,
if you’ve been feeling sexually bored in your
day-to-day life, or have been having certain
thoughts about women while awake, maybe
it is time to explore that part of your sexuality.
However, that still doesn’t have to mean that you
are gay or bisexual—it could just be an excit-
ing sexual adventure you’re craving. There’s no
need to label yourself or put too much weight
on a sexual orientation for yourself until you’ve
explored your desires more and figured out what
it is that you really like. Just know that no matter
what the outcome, it’s all natural and sexually
healthy! Best of Luck!
I feel self-conscious about giving oral
sex. Advice for me that might help me
to enjoy it more?
Hi J.J.
Let me start off my saying that no
one should ever have to do some-
thing sexual that they don’t want
to do or are uncomfortable doing.
As hard as it may be to believe,
some people don’t give oral sex,
and some people don’t receive it,
and that’s just a part of their own,
personal, sexual lifestyles, and it’s
100% okay! Perhaps part of the issue,
however, is that you don’t feel appreci-
ated for your actions when you give