Page 26 - december2013

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der integration?
I think people need to form words to
understand how to perceive a person or
situation better, I mean I guess that’s an
obvious point. But, I don’t know if titles
are necessarily a good thing. I think it’s
unfortunate that we shove people into
slots that they don’t always entirely fit in
to. I think many people have many sexual
desires that will never be uncovered be-
cause society puts a constraint on sexual-
ity, at all times. So these words are just a
way to define people, yet there is a broad
spectrum between this so-called “gay,”
and “straight” world. I think many people
share similar impulses, but so many
things are still considered taboo. We all sit
around pretending we don’t feel a certain
way that a fat margin of us do. In fact,
realistically, people with ZERO impulses
towards the same-sex would probably be
marginalized, if we were truthful about
I consider myself very free. I don’t need
a tag for my sexuality, I think it is absurd.
I am with a man I am attracted to, who I
love, who I want to spend my future with.
That is all that matters to me, for the mo-
ment. If anything were to change, I keep
myself open to people; if I like you and
I’m attracted to you that is the only thing
that matters. Love is love, and people
have the right to experience that with the
right person. For society to step in, and
dictate something like that, it’s ridiculous.
How do people—people, just like you and
me—EVER earn the right to pass laws
that prevent one person from building a
family, and foundation, with another per-
son they love?! It’s absolutely ridiculous.
If you’re with a guy in bed, what works
best for you? The one who is mentally
smart and uses his academic knowledge
on you, so you can have the greatest
pleasure; or the basic one who is pure
testosterone and lets you finish your
night feeling you were hit by express
train of lust?
I’m going to be honest, and this will
sound greedy; but I HAVE to have some-
body who is a mixture of both. My mate
IS. Sexuality, sensuality, emotion—those
are essential for passion. But, intellect has
to be part of the equation. I want some-
body who can stimulate me in every way.
That’s how it should be. For everybody.
Great, great passion—explosive! Yet, an
intellectual connection as well.
What do you think of perfection at all
levels, such as perfect beauty, perfect
sex, perfect love, etc..?
I think it’s ridiculous. I think somebody
can be perfect for you, but perfect in gen-
eral, it’s an impossibility. There are two
beings that were said to have reached per-
fection; that is Jesus Christ, and Buddha.
Nobody walking around today is Jesus or
Buddha. Let’s get serious, here. Most of
us don’t even come close to touching the
surface of perfection. I have many char-
acter defects, and flaws, and I am aware.
I can try to work on them. Yet, if you find
someone who loves you not in spite of
your flaws—but because of them—then
you’ve nailed the perfect mate. I don’t
want to be perfect, perfect scares me, and
I like things rugged, torn, ripped, and a
little messed up. That’s reality. A friend
of mine once told me, “you have a way of
turning even the most ugly things beauti-
ful.” I really thought that was special. I
like doing that; pulling something beauti-
ful from the ugly. Finding unique beauty,
imperfect beauty in something or some-
body. That’s reality, for me.
Why do you think so many women have
taboos regarding sex and refuse to do
some things with their partner: how to
allow to say dirty words, anal or oral
sex, porn movies, etc.? Do you have any
limits on these and other behaviors in
When I am with my lover, the mate most
connected to my soul, I will do anything
for him, nothing is off-limits, because I
love and adore, and want, and desire him.
That is how a relationship should func-
tion. You should always go the extra mile
for your lover, like I stated above. I have
no limits with him.
I think women have a lot of taboos sexu-
ally because society puts a constraint on
what’s expected of us. This is no secret;
sex is fine for men to indulge in, but for
women, it’s bad, bad, bad. That is how it
has always been established in the public
eye; women have to hinder their desires,
pretend they don’t exist to the point, in
which sometimes, I believe, it does kill
their inner desires, and lust for the world,
and other beings. That is quite sad. The
universe, some higher power, I believe
personally, molded us with these organs,
for a reason. Why is it okay for men to
be able to gratify themselves with these
organs, yet for women, it is wrong? I
don’t agree with that. I am with the one
I love, and like I said, for him, anything
goes, because I love him, and enjoy every
minute of it.
What have you always wanted to do
with a man that you have not been able
to do?
Well, I really want my lover to whip me.
I mean really whip me. I think he’s afraid
he’ll really hurt me. He inflicts pain, but
not in huge amounts, because at heart,
he thinks he is hurting me, so although
it turns him on, it also scares him a bit, I
believe. I really love pain, though. I have
a very high threshold for it.
As a glamor model you have done many
nude photos and I have seen that you
feel very comfortable doing that, what
attracts you to nudity? Do you think
it’s a purer form of expression when
you ignore the accessories, such as the
Absolutely. It’s stripping down to the
bare essentials. It’s beautiful. The human
body—especially the female body—is
exquisite. All forms, sizes, shapes. It’s ut-
terly beautiful—fascinating. How can one
not celebrate that?
With art modeling, which I do as well,
and actually the field I started in as far
as modeling goes, it isn’t a sexual thing.
The human body is the focal point, and
nude, yes. But, it’s about the human
figure, learning it, the purpose of having
somebody there live (in an art studio or
classroom) posing, is because it connects
the artist to the human soul. It’s a tech-
nique that has worked for ions.
As for glamour modeling, I have a very
feminine, very sensual part of me. It isn’t
the only part of me, but it is a large part of
me. I also crave acceptance, and approval
from peers, I’m going to be honest about
that. Somehow, I feel glamour modeling
validates me as a women, and that may
be a controversial perception, and I may
be ridiculed for it, but it’s honesty. I am
a very honest, up front person about my
feelings, and why I make the choices to
do the things I do.
Let’s play Dr. Frankenstein If you had
the opportunity to put together the
ideal man with parts of actors, singers,
athletes or famous people, who do you
give the eyes, the mouth, who’s hair or
body, whose voice and who’s personal-
Hmmm, okay this hard, because I don’t