Page 27 - July 2013

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JULY 2013 -
ho is Natahly Orellana
in your regular life and what is it that
you do?
Well, where to begin there is so much!
(she laugh), but really I’m just an ordinary
soul “swimming in a fish bowl year after
year” to quote one of my favorite bands.
In all seriousness, I am a very down to
earth person. I play video games and drink
tea like a normal kid. I love to spend my
time relaxing either at home or at the park,
taking in some sunlight and maybe having
a cigarette but that depends on the day. I
work a regular 9-5 job as a customer ser-
vice rep and I avoid paying taxes because
I believe in freedom! I am a little on the
unconventional side and I like to paint
watercolors at the beach. I love taking cat-
naps on the weekends and I am a foodie,
but that is a secret!
When did you start modeling?
I started modeling at the age of 16 and
did maybe one test shoot and an MTV
audition, but I got discouraged because
I thought I was too short and too thin.
After a couple of years on the journey
to self acceptance I started realizing that
what made me beautiful wasn’t all about
my looks but also about who I was as a
whole. I believe a true model can depict
an emotion through a photograph effort-
lessly. It goes beyond looking nice in front
of the camera. Anyways, I mustered up
some confidence and began doing amateur
shoots to get myself back in the field and
the rest is history! It has been about a year
now and I just keep learning more and
more as I keep going along. I learn from
everyone I meet, be it a photographer or a
model; everyone has something unique to
bring to the table.
We know toy like to write, tell us what
attracts you to this form of artistic
I think writing is transformative and that is
the biggest, most important quality about
it in my opinion. I love the way one can
express just about anything, whether it is
an idea or an emotion through words and
language. Poetry and fiction are my pre-
ferred mediums though as they require you
to step outside of the box for a minute and
it makes you tap into your senses and open
your mind. I am most definitely guilty of
crying amidst writing a piece, or speaking
really fast to myself whilst coming up with
ideas. I am a mad literary scientist!
Can you express the same things
through modeling and through writing?
Give us some examples to illustrate your
It is funny because the phrase “a picture is
worth a thousand words” comes to mind
quickly! I think there is only so much you
can express through a photograph though,
but you can go on to write chapters
explaining or depicting an emotion or an
idea. Either art form appeals to different
senses so it is an unfair competition. If you
look at a photograph like The Body of Che
Guevara, the famous photograph taken
after Che was captured and killed by the
Bolivian army in 1967, you know it is a
powerful thing to see. It marks the end of
the life of a revolutionary leader. How-
ever, if you read his biography and follow
the history you feel more connected,
almost, to whom Che Guevara was and the
cause he stood for. Each medium is strong
in different ways.