Page 21 - SEXY X2 MAGAZINE JUNE 2012

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JUNE 2012 -
helicopters and airplanes for the
United States Air Force.
I have been lucky enough to real-
ize how rewarding it is to watch
my kids transform from children
to productive functioning young
adults. It is an amazing process
to watch. It is a time consuming
process that can push you right to
the end of your rope at the times
except in the end it is one of the
most rewarding and satisfying
parts of being a parent.
Your profile is very interest-
ing; you have been single
for almost ten years, with a
fit body, good looking and
on top of that is the perfect
age for many eligible wom-
en. What does woman have
to do to win your heart?
Wow what a tough question! .Be
happy with your physical appear-
ance, although it is not everything.
Nothing is sexier than a woman
who likes the way she looks, its
shows in all aspects of your life.
Be truly happy with yourself and
your life. No one is perfect. We
all know that. We all tend to over
compensate sometimes for our
insecurities and we all have insecu-
rities, myself included. Furthermore,
be happy with where you are in
life and with yourself in as many
aspects as you can. If, there is
something you do not like, then
change it. Life is to short not too.
Be open hearted. I have always
said, “if your heart is closed no
one can touch it!’ Love me for who
I am and the man I have grown
to be. Just like women, men want
to be loved and to believe that all
you want is them. I want not just
to believe I am the man of your
dreams, the one you want to be
with, the one you trust with every-
thing. The person you can talk to
about anything, everything and
nothing at all. The one you want
to wake up next too. The arms you
want to fall asleep in. The man
who makes you knees buckle just
because you are close to me. The
man you just physically want to
wrap yourself around and feel like
when you do … its heaven on
earth. I do not want to just believe
all those things .I want to feel it!
Make me feel I am the man of all
your desires. Do this and you will
surly win my heart.
You are the first male to
be featured in the cover of
vision is very different then
a woman. How does it feel,
and knowing that thanks to
the digital technology many
people can actually see you
all over the world?
I am honored to be chosen as the
first male on the cover of SEXY X2
Magazine. Its been an awesome
ride. I am a very private person.
Furthermore, I tend to choose what
part of my life I let the world see.
I think will all do that to some ex-
tent. We all keep our little private
side that only a chosen few in our
life see. The rest of it is open to the
world and it is flattering knowing
people I do not even know will get
to see a peace of my life. I hope
they enjoy what they see.
Ho does Barry describe
Love! Love can have many mean-
ings. However, love for me is,
coming home from a hard day
and walking into your home to the
person who loves you and you do
not have to see them, you do not
have to hear them, you feel their
presence. Then you just take a
deep breath and say to yourself …
I am finally here I am finally under
the same roof has her. It is a feel-
ing you should get. A feeling that
does not dissipate as time goes
on but forever grows stronger.. A
connection you have with each
other that no matter how far apart
you are it never stops. You long
to be with them. True love is a
physical and emotional connection
between to people that grows and
grows with the relationship. You
both feed off each other’s love for
one another. It can be the most
amazing feeling.
Let us put together four
models of the perfect wom-
an for you: how should they
be the perfect friend, the
perfect girlfriend, the per-
fect wife and the perfect
Oh, the perfect friend that is easy.
Listen to and respect what I say.
You might not always agree with
me but I want to know we can
disagree on things and still be