Page 22 - SEXY X2 MAGAZINE JUNE 2012

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The perfect girlfriend, simple put
affection! I love affection. I love
to give it and to receive it is more
rewarding. But not to the point
where we are smothering each
Ah the perfect lover. How does
that song go “ A lady in the street
but a freak in the bed”. Be uninhib-
ited sometimes and passionate all
the time.. For me this is where the
strongest connection is felt.
I saved the perfect wife for last
because it is a combination of all
the above with unconditional love.
For me with the right person uncon-
ditional love is very easy to give.
It should not be work for you to
give it back. It should come natu-
rally. If I ever find all, four women
wrapped up into this one amazing
package again. She will know it.
I would not let her slip away, no
man would!
You see a beautiful woman
on the street; to what part
of her body do you eyes go
indistinctively? What is that
you feel more attractive to
of the woman’s body?
I am sitting here laughing but
that is really a tough question to
answer. I guess for me it is the
swagger and the way they carry
themselves. Therefore, not so much
just one-body part. When I turn my
head to take a second look, it is
the whole package I am checking
How is Barry in the intima-
Very very intimate. Intimacy ,can
be a three letter word. Absolutely
thrive on intimacy. Intimacy is not a
physical act. Hell you, can do that
with anybody. It’s a deep warm
feeling and that you cant get with
just anybody.
What sport or sports do you
practice and why do you
like that one in particular?
Not sure if some people consider
this a sport but boogie boarding
and surfing with my kids and my
nephews. Yet, according to my
nephew, I do not surf very well. I
did not say I was good at it I said
,I like to do it. I like anything out-
doors in warm weather. I always
love a good workout at the gym
also, nothing like hitting the heavy
bag for awhile.
What is more stimulant for
you: the moment you try to
conquer a woman or the
first time intimate encoun-
I do not think you ever conquer
a woman. Defiantly, the first time
intimate encounter.
What is your strategy to get
to know a girl and which
one to win her heart?
I think most men would agree
with me when I say every girl is
different. Therefore, you need to
be quick on your feet so to speak.
My strategy, at this point in my
life is to just be me. Be the kind
considerate charming man that I
believe I am. To win her heart one
word comes to mind romance. I
am a diehard romantic at heart.
Romance is one of the best parts
it fun, exciting and challenging to
figure out what she likes. To get
her to day dream about me when
I am no where to be seen. The
key is to get her to open her heart
without realizing… she just did.
Can you cook? If yes, what
is your best meal?
Sorry no I cannot cook. I can grill
a nice steak but that is about it but
I would love to learn to cook with
someone. The kitchen can be a
very romantic place.
Tell us how a typical day in
your life is and what about
a weekend
Okay. Get up around 7 AM.
Most mornings hit the gym for a
bit. Come home shower and of
to work. Get home from work
make diner for me and the kids,
sometimes they make dinner or we
do take out. One or two nights
a week hit the gym. Depending
what is going on with everyone.
When I have an audition or fitness
shoot of some kind that determines
how often I go to the gym. Try to
meet the boys out once in a while.
Love to get out on a weekend
night hopefully a romantic dinner.
Not always the case so just meet
a friend out to have some fun. I
am not a great dancer but love a
good night out dancing. Does not
have to be a romantic thing. I en-
joy just going out with my female
friends and having some fun.
If I am not working on the week-
ends sometimes with the modeling
I can work straight through the